Right and left
West and East
Women and men
Good and evil
Riches and Poors
Microsoft and Google
Dell and HP (once IBM)

… and so on! a continuous contrast between two forces that divide the large slices of this world, leaving small minorities to "package" defenses and attacks to survive. The eternal chess game where the little ones are the first line of pawns, the one that sometimes makes you say "checkmate" and other times, with your own sacrifice, allows you to close the KING in the corner. And if these "little ones" did not exist and did not make the game more brilliant through the ambition of becoming great, the strong contrasts that move modern wars from the bottom up would not be created.

The poor become rich and some rich become poor again. Men think about turning into women and women want to be men! Bill Gates was a young boy... Zuckerberg still is today. Michael Dell started from the "bottom". If Microsoft did not have competition from below and above the market, it would not invest in a new future (cloud, gaming, interactivity, saas, ...). IBM would not have made certain choices without the so-called small ones. Facebook wouldn't dream of declaring war on Google today. If Google didn't encourage the little ones it wouldn't have become GOOGLE, etc...

In this contrast of forces that reminds me a lot of Star Wars, leaving aside who is good and who is evil (subjective opinion polluted today only by greeen 🙂 ), crumbs of hope fall from above which nourish the soil of the little ones. As a boy I felt the energy that the motto "the future belongs to the little ones" gave me. As kids we often see things in their most primitive and simple essence, free of social and cultural pollution. And so I like to remember the meaning of this phrase, the future will always be for the little ones as long as the modesty of their ideas and the essence of the meaning is always for the "common good".

If you too happen to see things around you as if they were always goals to aim for, improve, simplify or even recreate. If you feel like creators, thinkers, fantasizers and dreamers, I advise you all and myself to remain still "kids" in the depths of your heart so that the simple essence of things can always perfume your IDEALS.

So enjoy a chess game where ONE plays 9 games simultaneously! 🙂 and how many things do YOU ​​do at the same time so that together they can help you build your future? As children we were fascinated by the concept of multitasking and as we grew up we found ourselves practicing it like our computers (phone and write, phone, write and think, watch, listen and write, ...) with our senses.
