5 years have passed since the first time, it was love at the first meeting. Then we were "less" but full. The first social networks spread in Italy. Facebook existed but it was in “elementary school”. LinkedIn he was a professor and Xing, Ning and Viadeo interpreted his philosophy. Italy was the same as today, in search of dreams but with few values ​​in mind and the same weak disorientation as today. I arrived in Milan after five years in Verona. Alone and without a network, to use everyday terms and one evening I met MilanIN. An email from Andrey Golub but then I was wary of the “Russians”. Then a Microsoft manager invited me to meet him in a club in Milan during a special Present Yourself. I met Pier Carlo Pozzati and from there it all began. Energy and positivity invaded my “heart”. A secret door in Milan opened in front of me and I didn't let it slip away. I was the marketing manager for MilanIN, then the general director and today the vice president, member of the board of directors and federal secretary of ClubIN.

Corriere della Sera - article on Present Yourself by Laura De Benedetto

A friend who is starting a new entrepreneurial adventure asked me yesterday how to create a good network "... zambro... which places should I go to do business?". I don't know the answer yet. For me, whose path is still uphill, MilanIN counted a lot. The fortunes that we call "cop shots" have not happened to me. For me, sweat, passion and heart counted. Don't give up and always think positively. Sow positive energy and always believe in it completely. The eyes of MilanIN members are full of these values ​​and for 6 years I have embraced the ambition of "doing". In fact we represent a business social network, neither a movement nor a political party, ideally a lobby. But beyond the systemic connotations, MilanIN is the beating heart of those who feel the need to change, search, experiment, discover a society in motion.

In 2007, in addition to already talking about Proximity Marketing, following my appointment as Marketing Manager, I was already writing what I define as "love at first sight":

“Three years ago, after the Junior Chamber Italia award ceremony, I began a cognitive journey following the phenomenon of “social networking”, with the belief that “doing business in a network” means “making something available to someone…”. Relationships must become a tool for enhancing everyone's professional skills and not be confused with anything else! Networking means creating a system in which relationships are created between individuals who seek values, ideals, goods... Doing business in a network means relating individuals to their professions, their skills and their companies. Life has taught me that there are people behind companies! and the time has not yet come to forget it.

In MILAN IN I found this, the spirit that fuels the ideas and values ​​in which I believe.

With honor and pride I currently hold the role of Marketing Manager and with "Strength, Courage and Enthusiasm!" I will contribute to its growth.”

Always keep this thing in mind, great companies are made by people and not the other way around.
Let's fight to make the person, ideas and values ​​prevail!