I believe in an ideal political model that will never exist! but which tomorrow could inspire conditions different from the present ones. It is certainly not in this blog, the place where I want to create such conditions. It's just an inspiration. For me dated 2005 and inspired by a letter.

“I believe in a parliament where left and right are not opposing ideologies, but rather 2 working groups with different programs that put everyone's skills into practice. Whoever governs, manages and controls proposes a joint program for both by exploiting the best of the capabilities offered.”

If ideologies no longer exist. Overtaken by emergencies. Made obsolete by history. Weak in the face of the real and concrete problems of this new global society. At that time! It's time to think about a new way of doing politics. Understood Government POLICY. Once ideologies have been overcome and skills and ideas have been valued, politics would finally have the opportunity to work and produce.

We need a new generation that matures new rational and pragmatic principles. With enthusiasm and with the heart, build a valuable network among professionals. I would contrast experience with the value of the courage to change! and I would build a model where IDEAS and PROJECTS WIN on INTERESTS and INTERVENTIONS. No more right, left and center BUT skills, visions, ideas and experience. The working groups would be voted on. Groups of qualified people. With their project plans. This is both for the management and for the growth of new social, entrepreneurial, welfare systems, etc…

After all! the role of the citizen must also mature. And with him his culture and his ability to analyze. To understand. To interpret. And if so, tomorrow we could aspire to a government made up of working groups operating on real projects. Heading? a body capable of managing resources. The projects together. People. And to evaluate new ideas and new paths.

Stop! it's just a dream.