My first collection of short stories “Shadows and Dreams” is coming soon
9 Tales of Horror, Mystery and Science Fiction

April 25, 2024 Welcome to my most recent literary journey, "Shadows and Dreams". I'm Luca Guido Zambrelli, and if "Sapient" marked my debut...

“Sapient”, the Revolution of Italian Science Fiction and the future of man in the AI ​​era

Welcome to the world of "Sapient, the birth of Artificial Intelligences", the last frontier of Italian science fiction that leads us to the discovery of a future intertwined with intelligence...

Inspired by the stories of Stephen King

- Memory is the second story by Luca Zambrelli. It is inspired by the stories of Stephen King and the revolt of the machines and focuses attention on the great paradoxes of science fiction.

Inspired by the #BlackMirror series

- Sync is Luca Zambrelli's first story. It is inspired by the #BlackMirror and #LoveDeathRobots series and the sci-fi thriller genres

Metaverse and the cybernerds to conquer the world

Now that we're talking about the Metaverse and many themes that re-propose that cyberpunk and underground culture of Gibson and Sterling, I thought I'd leave an imprint of my little world in my…

Emotional intelligence compared

You cannot possess emotional intelligence if you have never cultivated and trained it. And if you believe the opposite, you will discover how tiring it is to be yourself and have to be a leader at the same time...

The e-commerce of the future, I call it Z-Commerce

Yes, because the time has come for the Millennial generation to abound and to throw ourselves together into the new challenge. Millennials have already been in our CRM panels for years but their evolution and…

The use of digital for the drive to store

How utilizing digital to drive consumers into store sees a resurgence with Retailers

AI, Artificial Intelligence in Marketing with Bots and Automation

For the most assiduous readers of American blogs, the quantity of articles on artificial intelligence that have been written in recent months cannot help but surprise. From medicine to automotive. From the…

A new appointment "The Entrepreneurs' Coffee" is born

A permanent event by the Confcommercio Varese Young Entrepreneurs Group was born on 3 November 2016 in Varese...

Rete55 and Matteo Inzaghi interviewed me for the new role in Confcommercio

The number one young entrepreneur of Confcommercio is dealing with the economic crisis and the imminent arrival of the great world exhibition. An appointment which, according to Zambrelli,…